The military was supposed to teach me never to “put myself on report,” not to admit to an error: if an act were truly an egregious offense, you would be caught. Otherwise, getting away with something was fair game. More…
The good, the sad, and the writhy
The old saying to “try to find the good in everything” may be cliché, but in my opinion it’s damn good advice as well. I find myself relying on it increasingly frequently as my Parkinson’s progresses; one can learn a…
Personal strategies learned the hard way for others afflicted with Young-Onset Parkinson’s
“Just the facts, Ma’am” – first, some background on Parkinson’s. Being a progressive disease simply means that the illness becomes progressively worse over time. Add the word “incurable” and it’s easy to see why a person with Parkinson’s Disease (PD)…
Pain is nothing, Generality of convention, Relative term, sentence, Omnipresence, It’s real. To feel, Prickle, tingle, ache, Unobserved trick, Saturated wick, No course. Full remorse, Acts unfulfilled, Dreams left floating, Death’s ill gloating, To wait. The bait, Life’s solemn promise,…
Proof of life
At the fold of the sky and infinite sea, Stooped and beholden in search of the key, Hunting out clues to a purposeful puzzle, The Scribner intently refuses the muzzle, Dead eager to act and driven past reason, Fueled by…
Breathe life
Life’s simple gift unexpected, Age’s reward overdue, No fanfare of Angels’ direction, Package bequeathed with a clue. No need to be hidden in secret, Transparent of motive or strife, A baby’s first lesson from daddy, Look up; raise head; breathe…
Ghosts of the corridor
To be unseen, everywhere an outsider, at home only with ghosts abandoned long ago in the deepest recesses of secret holds. Time is the difference, bringing closer the once imagined, but now understood to be real spirits that prowl the…
Running in sand
Run fast; try to pass quickly, nimbly, but in the recurring multi-dimensional purgatory of the ailment, of my ailment, it is not possible to clear feet of the drag of thousands of emotionless grains of thought, each cognitive morsel bogging…
A book with a soul; the writing of Setting the Hook
Self-publishing was not my first choice for Setting the Hook, a Diver’s Return to the Andrea Doria; not by a long shot. I was fortunate to have had my first nonfiction book, Angles of Attack, an A-6 Intruder Pilot’s War,…